Apr 12, 2011

Vostok 1 - Ey Yuri! (Free Download)

  Ey Yuri! by Vostok-1

This album celebrates the 50th aniversary from the Vostok-1 launch, first mission that carried the human to the outer space, Yuri Gagarin. This is one of the most relevance events in the human history: scientific, technological, social and symbolic. Enjoy the album!
Intro transcription:
"Our people, through their genius, through their heroic labor, produced for the world a wonderful spaceship: Vostok, and it's most ingenious, most reliable equipment. From launching to landing, I never had any doubt of the success of our space flight".
Yuri Alekséyevich Gagarin
Red Square, Moscow, 14 april 1961

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!

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